Panel Day | Panel Time | Track | Panel | Room | Panel Description | Panelist |
Saturday | | | | | | |
| 12:30 AM | Film | SHOWING: Redline | Kensington | Redline is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car—all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee—but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race? (2 HOURS) | |
| 2:30 AM | Film | SHOWING: Psycho Pass | Kensington | Psycho Pass takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The story centers around the "enforcement officer" Shinya Kougami, who is tasked with managing crime in such a world. (3 HOURS) | |
| 5:30 AM | Film | SHOWING: Gate | Kensington | When a portal from another world appears in Ginza, Tokyo, a legion of soldiers and monsters emerge to attack the city. Thanks to their far more advanced weaponry and tactics, the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) easily repels the enemy, passes through the gate and establish a forward base of operations to force the Roman-styled empire of the other world to open peace negotiations. Yōji Itami is a JSDF officer sent to investigate the other world, where magic, dragons and elves are real, using his knowledge of fantasy stories to make his way in this new environment (3 HOURS) | |
| 8:00 AM | Gaming | Pathfinder: Night of the Necromancer | Ballroom C | A necromancer has moved into the local tower and started messing with dead things. As the most powerful kobolds in the tribe, the chief has ordered you to drive him out before he attracts adventurers, who are bad news for everybody. Can your band work together to drive out the menace? (4 HOURS) | GM- Paul Krausnick |
| 8:30 AM | Film | SHOWING: LBX | Kensington | In 2046, a revolutionary 80% shock-absorbing reinforced cardboard has been developed, rapidly transforming the world's exports. The reinforced cardboard would soon become the battleground for a popular children's hobby using remote controlled robots called "LBX" (Little Battler eXperience). Four years later, a boy named Yamano Ban who loves to play with LBX (although without a mecha himself) is given a case containing the model AX-00 by a mysterious woman. He is told that he now holds the hopes and despairs of mankind in his hands. (3 HOURS) | |
| 9:00 AM | Fandom | Geek Parent Meet-up | ConSuite | Meet other parents in the fandom community. Talk about the triumphs and hazards of geeky parenting. You bring the bottles, we'll provide the caffeine. | |
| 9:00 AM | Science | Kaffeeklatsch with Kentaro Toyama | Club Lounge | Join our Science Guest of Honor for coffee, tea, and conversation. Limited to 10 participants. Sign up at OPS. | Kentaro Toyama |
| 9:00 AM | Gaming | Author RPG: Planet Mercenary! | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Authors from across the genre spectrum come together to put Howard Tayler's new game, Planet Mercenary, to the test. Come watch these exceptional creatives put on a show and enjoy some laughs. Please remember to give the players their space. (3 HOURS) | Delilah S. Dawson, Brian McClellan, Cherie Priest, Mur Lafferty, Robert Jackson Bennett, Saladin Ahmed, Brent Weeks |
| 9:00 AM | Fandom | So This Is Your First ConFusion | St. Clair | Welcome to your first Confusion! To keep your actual confusion to a minimum, let us tell you what we're about and what we have to offer you this weekend! | Jessica Zerwas, David Klecha, Brigit Bradakis |
| 10:00 AM | Media | Pop Up Media! The Martian | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | Science Fiction vs. Fantasy: Who Prospers? | Keweenaw | Ted Chiang once postulated that the difference between science fiction and fantasy is who has access to the impossibility. Does a knowable universe whose laws anyone can learn, and everyone has to work within, offer a more egalitarian vision than a world of destiny and fate? Or is it difficult to imagine even a science fictional world in which the future is evenly distributed? | Douglas Hulick, Bradley P. Beaulieu (M), Andrew Zimmerman, Ann Leckie, Kentaro Toyama |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | Whose Subgenre Is It, Anyway? | Ballroom A&B | One hat is filled with titles of well known novels. The other hat is filled SFF's favorite sub-genres. Panelists draw from the hats and reconcile their selections. How would you defend _Little Women_ as a grimdark tale? | Tom Doyle, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Dave Robison (M), Ken Schrader, Sal Palland |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | Kaffeeklatsch with Alaya Dawn Johnson | Club Lounge | Join our Guest of Honor for coffee, tea, and conversation. Limited to 10 participants. Sign up at OPS. | Alaya Dawn Johnson |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | Anthologies as Advocacy | Isle Royale | All fiction is in some way political and science fiction and fantasy have a healthy tradition of anthologies that seek to open up space for new voices and new conversations. To what extent do an anthology's political goals interact with other editorial considerations? And how are such books received and reviewed by the field -- both politically, and aesthetically? | Michael J. DeLuca, Yanni Kuznia, Mari Brighe, Kelley Armstrong (M), Michael Damian Thomas |
| 10:00 AM | KidFusion Suite | Mathmagic Time | KidFusion Suite | Come experience some math games you can play with your friends or at home. | Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale, Jason Palmer |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | Relating to Young Adult | Charlevoix | A lot of time is spent discussing how Young Adult and Adult interface, losing sight, perhaps, of the more important link between Middle Grade and Young Adult. What expectations are Middle Grade readers bringing into Young Adult? How do those expectations reflect the fiction they find as they move up a reading level? Can Middle Grade explain the glut of dystopias in Young Adult? | Jenny Thurman, Courtney Allison Moulton, Merrie Haskell (M), Susan Dennard, Gwenda Bond |
| 10:00 AM | Comics | Acceptable Bodies in Comics | Interlochen | Body shape and type are always contentious topics. In comics, discussions about them are primarily related to gender and sexualized presentations vs. power fantasy, but comics are also known for a reliance on using disabled, fat, queer, trans bodies as a shorthand negative character traits. How does this impact the oft-stated need to increase readership? And what are some positive representations of diverse body types in comics? | Cassy Sinke, Bill Messner-Loebs, Kimchi Zerbe |
| 10:00 AM | Literature | The Fiction of Political SFF | Leelanau | Most "political" science fiction doesn't really deal with politics, it deals with the setting out of ideologies. In other words, it tells stories that have little to do with running a government. The result is a debate of ideas where the political is described by greed and corruption, but never the merely bureaucratic. Why are these tropes recycled time and again? How can politics be approached in a more authentic way and remain interesting to readers? | Kameron Hurley, Patrick Tomlinson, Justin Landon (M), Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone |
| 10:00 AM | Science | Armor 102 | St. Clair | Ken Redington (AKA Thurkill L'Armerurier SCA) demonstrates materials and techniques in making your own armor | Ken Redington (M) |
| 10:00 AM | Art | The Business of Art and the Business of Craft | Saugatuck | Artists and craftsmen talk about finding outlets for selling their wares - stores, online, fairs, cons. How do you become known and develop a following? | Matt Feazell, Jen Talley, Megan E. O'Keefe, Michael Kucharski (M) |
| 10:00 AM | Media | The Show in Your Head vs. the Show on the Screen | Petoskey | Call it head-canon, fanon, or the viewer’s 50%, but we all have had those shows where the version you have in your head is very different than what’s actually shown. How does this impact your enjoyment of media? How do you reconcile the problems on the screen with the awesome version in your head? | Kristine Smith, Julie Winningham, Gordon Smith, Miriam Weinberg, Anna Carey |
| 10:00 AM | Gaming | Castellian | Ballroom C | Two players work together to build a castle. Wall and tower pieces link to form courtyards. The player who finishes a courtyard claims it with a Keep. Your cards determine what pieces you get each turn but you decide where to put them. If you're clever, the pieces played by your opponent can end up scoring for you! (2 HOURS) | GM- Dawn Strenzel |
| 10:00 AM | Gaming | GRUPS - East Texas University | Ballroom C | Study. Party. Save the World. East Texas University promises prestigious leadership, connected alumnae, the fantastic Southern climate of Pinebox, Texas…and annoying roommates, professors that try to kill you (literally), and things that go bump in the night. Enroll at your own risk. [3-6 players max] (4 HOURS) | GM- Bill Korsak |
| 10:00 AM | Gaming | Netherstorm - Basic | Ballroom C | A small, remote village is attacked at the end of the festival. Goblins have kidnapped their children. Can the villagers band together and retrieve those most precious? (4 HOURS) | GM- Donald Jones |
| 10:00 AM | Gaming | Oh Gnome You Don't! | Ballroom C | It’s adventure time for gnomes as they travel and gather items along the forest trail. Typically cheerful and friendly, the little gnomes let greed and aggression get the best of them as they get into brawls, play tricks, and set traps to be able to grab up and trade for the most gems by the end of the game. It’s a gnome-tastic adventure! [3-6 players max] (2 HOURS) | GM- Bill Lonskey |
| 10:00 AM | Gaming | Zephyr: Winds of Change | Ballroom C | A cooperative modular boardgame adventure for 1 to 4 players. players take on the role of a post-apocalyptic steampunk airship captain. Customize your ship and build yourself up to defeat the ever growing evils of a fallen world. (2 HOURS) | GM- Jon Mietling |
| 11:00 AM | Fandom | The Value of Fans' Work | Manitou | Fan-fiction, fan vids, gifsets on Tumblr, fan meta: what value to fan works bring to TV and movie fandoms? How is the value of these works measured or dismissed based on gender, source material and where fanworks are posted and discussed? | Cassandra Rose Clarke, Susan Dennard, Julie Winningham, V.E. Schwab |
| 11:00 AM | Literature | Bad Girls Just Want Good Stories | Isle Royale | Let's talk about anti-heroines and the positives and negatives of the flawed female character archetype. Is the flawed female character becoming the new strong female character? Is this yet another one-note character type masquerading as diverse representations of women? What's the line between an anti-heroine and a villain? | Merrie Haskell, Mari Brighe, Lynne M. Thomas, Navah Wolfe, Sarah Gibbons |
| 11:00 AM | Media | Pop Up Media! Doctor Who | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 11:00 AM | Music | Workshop: Celtic Guitar | Marquette | February Sky offers tips on Celtic guitar styles. | Susan Urban, Phil Cooper |
| 11:00 AM | Fandom/Literature/Media | Crossing the Streams | Ballroom A&B | Where are the lines in genre conventions and what happens when we cross them? What needs to happen to make something a crossover vs. a fusion? Do transmedia projects and genre fluidity benefit the genre? How does crossover in media experiences and production impact the kinds of stories we see on the screen? | Doselle Young, Kristine Smith, Andrea Phillips, Gordon Smith, Christian Klaver |
| 11:00 AM | Literature | Why do I pay so much for eBooks? | Petoskey | Many new releases debut with eBook prices not too dissimilar from the cost of a discounted hardcover. This had led to cognitive dissonance among readers and complaints that eBook prices are simply too high. Why do readers find these costs difficult to handle? What's the sweet spot for eBook pricing today and will it rise or decrease over time? | Yanni Kuznia, Brigid Collins, Michael R. Underwood, Steve Buchheit (M), Sunil Patel |
| 11:00 AM | Fandom | T-Shirt Modding | St. Clair | Turn your old con t-shirts into fashion statements and be the envy of all your friends. | Sydnie Krause |
| 11:00 AM | Science | The Socioeconomic Impact of Science | Saugatuck | How does scientific advancement impact social chance and economic advancement? Do these advancements have a real impact in communities worldwide, or only for the groups prepared for them? | Andrew Zimmerman, Julie Lesnik, Kentaro Toyama, Pablo Vazquez |
| 11:00 AM | TeenFusion | Minute to Win It | TeenFusion | Join your friends and compete for prizes in a series of 60-second challenges based on the popular NBC TV game show. | Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale, Jason Palmer |
| 11:00 AM | Literature | A Mythological Reality | Keweenaw | Vampires, werewolves, and fairies, oh my! Why does so much urban fantasy constantly recycle western real world myths rather than dig deeper, or, gods forbid, invent its own? | Laura Resnick, Jackie Morgan (M), Greg van Eekhout, Melissa F. Olson |
| 11:00 AM | Fandom | Kaffeeklatsch with Jessica Zerwas | Club Lounge | Join our Fan Guest of Honor for coffee, tea, and conversation. Limited to 10 participants. Sign up at OPS. | Jessica Zerwas |
| 11:00 AM | Media | Podcasting Science Fiction and Fantasy | Interlochen | Talking about the popularity of podcasting in SFF fandom. What are the best podcasts out there? | Michael K. Elliott (M), Jonah Sutton-Morse, Jason Sanford, Dave Robison, Jeannie Szarama |
| 11:00 AM | Literature | So grim. Much serious. Wow. | Leelanau | Humor and light-hearted adventures have a storied history in science fiction and fantasy. Yet it seems modern work is focused on the darker elements of story telling. Is genre too po-faced outside the work of certain specifically 'comedy' writers? Why do so many writers steer clear of overt fun? | Cameron McClure, Megan E. O'Keefe, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Jim C. Hines (M), Sam Sykes |
| 11:00 AM | Cos-Play | How the &*(#^ Do I Make This???: Stump the Costume Experts | Charlevoix | A lively and popular discussion returns! How do you make an Ood ball… or a better spacesuit helmet… or articulated wings… or get the look and feel of a character you want to cosplay? Come ask a panel of experienced costumers your toughest questions. | Suzette Mariotti |
| 11:00 AM | KidFusion Suite | Squishy Circuits | KidFusion Suite | | Larc Bogdan, Daniel Dugan |
| 11:30 AM | Gaming | Super Smash Bros. | Kensington | After last year's large turnout Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U will be making a return to the ConFusion Film Room. Once again face off with up to 8 players in a crazy antics fueled brawl featuring some of Nintendo's famous characters. Recent updates to the roster now included Ryu from Street Fighter, Roy from Fire Emblem, Lucas from Earthbound, Mewtwo from Pokemon, and also Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy.(4 HOURS) | |
| 12:00 PM | Fandom | Awards: A Race to Excellence or the Bottom? | Keweenaw | Science fiction and fantasy have more awards than Robert Heinlein had Hugo Nominations. How do these various awards fit into the narrative of the field? Do they represent what is best and brightest in the genres or are they merely a flawed snapshot of insular communities? | Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Amal El-Mohtar (M), Annalee Flower Horne, Scott H. Andrews, Saladin Ahmed |
| 12:00 PM | Music | Building a Community: What Makes Filk Filk? | Marquette | Filk isn't just a type of music, it's a community with a very specific point of view. What brings us together? How can we bring in new people? | Mark Bernstein, Mike Nixon, Peggi Warner-Lalonde |
| 12:00 PM | Fandom | Fandom and the 4th Wall | Isle Royale | The internet, and specifically social media, has transformed fan and creator interaction. How has this instant interaction with creators and even actors impacted fan perceptions of media properties? What kinds of expectations has it created between fans and creators/actors? Is it necessary to the success of shows in modern genre media to have this immediate and intimate interaction? | Mark Oshiro, Jeff Beeler, Steve Drew (M), Gordon Smith |
| 12:00 PM | Literature | Interview: Alaya Dawn Johnson | Ballroom A&B | ConFusion Guest of Honor, Alaya Dawn Johnson interviewed by author Jon Skovron. | Alaya Dawn Johnson, Jon Skovron (M) |
| 12:00 PM | Art | Iron Artist | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Drawing/sculpture isn’t usually a performance art, but Iron Artists show how they work while creating prepare a piece of art (or craft) on the assigned topic. (3 HOURS) | Bill Messner-Loebs, John Benson, Ken Redington, Michael Kucharski, Sean Martin, Suzanna Grossman |
| 12:00 PM | Literature | Lionizing the Status Quo | Petoskey | Genre novels are often about restoring the status quo. Repel the aliens! Defeat the Dark One! Frodo just wants to go back to the Shire and get high. How have these kinds of narratives impacted the way we relate to the world? Should we be more concerned with narratives that do the opposite and seek to overturn the traditional order of the world? | Elizabeth Shack, Douglas Hulick, Ferrett Steinmetz (M), Kameron Hurley, Brigid Collins |
| 12:00 PM | Literature | Novel Gazing | Interlochen | The Male Gaze is often discussed in relation to how women are objectified in fiction. Less common is the Female Gaze, which is often confused as a direct opposite to its Male counterpart. What are the Male and Female Gaze? How are they different? And how is the Female Gaze changing fiction for the better? | Diana Rowland, Doselle Young (M), Jim C. Hines, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Kimchi Zerbe |
| 12:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Startling Science Demonstrations (for kids!) | KidFusion Suite | The kidfusion version of University of Detroit Mercy Chemistry Club chemistry demonstrations! Teachable moments with electrified vegetables. | |
| 12:00 PM | Science | There's an App For That?! | Saugatuck | Is the ability to interact with online applications a determining factor of human productivity? What are the benefits and pitfalls of app-based interactions with the world around you? | Tobias S. Buckell, Andrea Phillips, Daniel Dugan, Kentaro Toyama (M) |
| 12:00 PM | Literature | MacArthur to MacGuffin | Charlevoix | From the King's Army on the march, to the trying to survive basic, to the epic clash of Helm's Deep, the genre reader can hardly escape military operations. Is the military an integral part of genre fiction or is merely an easy milieu to deploy? What about the military makes it such good fodder for genre stories? | Tom Doyle, Stina Leicht, Brian McClellan, Steve Buchheit, Brent Weeks, Laura Resnick |
| 12:00 PM | Gaming | Cheap Shot | Ballroom C | The gloves are off in this game of biting insults and sassy blocks! Enter the ring with a hand of seven cards and prepare to dish it out and take it with this rummy-style game of insults. On their turn, players use the cards in hand to formulate an insult, “Your Secret Boyfriend / is a drama farmer / and tells only lies.” Wham! Pow! [3-6 players max] (2 HOURS) | GM- Bill Lonskey |
| 12:00 PM | Gaming | Netherstorm - Easy | Ballroom C | Several months ago, a team of archaeologists embarked on a journey to find a library, lost to a swamp long ago, rumored to have volume upon volume of valuable, lost information. The trouble is, no one has heard from the team in a month. The League of Boot and Trail is assembling a team to go check on them. (4 HOURS) | GM- Daniel Jones |
| 12:00 PM | Gaming | Netherstorm - Full | Ballroom C | A sink hole has destroyed part of the storeroom of the local tavern. The city would help to repair the damage, but there are strange noises coming from the pit. The municipality is now looking for those with mettle to delve into the chasm to find answers. (4 Hours) | GM- Paul Jones |
| 1:00 PM | Fandom | Mark Does Stuff | Interlochen | Mark Oshiro discusses his Hugo-nominated online universe of Mark Reads and Mark Watches, and addresses the challenges and joys of experiencing fictional worlds completely unspoiled. | Mark Oshiro |
| 1:00 PM | Music | Concert: Mike Nixon | Marquette | Mike was going to be here last year, but life got in the way. Come hear fine singing and great guitar work from one of fandom's rockers. | Mike Nixon |
| 1:00 PM | Science | Food Science in Science Fiction | Leelanau | Agriculture and terraforming in extreme environments or small domes. Sustainable food production in space station environments. What's Martian taters, precious? | Patrick Tomlinson, Julie Lesnik, Elizabeth Shack, Daniel Dugan (M) |
| 1:00 PM | Art | Frankenstuffies | St. Clair | In this hands-on workshop you'll take apart old stuffed animals and create new, freakier ones. | Jessica Zerwas, Suzette Mariotti (M), Julie Ferrell, Kate Bell |
| 1:00 PM | TeenFusion | Afternoon Break | TeenFusion | TeenFusion is closed for an hour in the afternoon. | |
| 1:00 PM | Fandom | Ox Memorial | Manitou | Join us in remembering Michael "Ox" Klemish who passed away suddenly in 2015. Ox was a memorable fixture at ConFusion for the last several years, often to be found helping out in Ops. Come share your memories of ConFusion's own gentle giant. | Anna Carey (M) |
| 1:00 PM | Fandom | Interview: Kelley Armstrong | Ballroom A&B | Subterranean Press Special Guest and New York Times Bestseller, Kelley Armstrong interviewed by author Courtney Allison Moulton. | Courtney Allison Moulton (M), Kelley Armstrong |
| 1:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Afternoon Break | KidFusion Suite | KidFusion is closed for one hour in the afternoon. | |
| 1:00 PM | Literature | Women Made of Chrome | Saugatuck | Women older than thirty and short of being a grandmother, are rarely seen in gene fiction. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but these types of characters often fade into the background scenery, and very few are protagonists. Why is this? What has been lost as a result? What books have handled vigorous, gray haired, women well? | Kristine Smith, Catherine Shaffer (M), Cherie Priest, Jen Talley, Robert Jackson Bennett |
| 1:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Sense8 | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 1:00 PM | Media | Adapting Science Fiction and Fantasy | Charlevoix | Adapting beloved (and not so beloved) genre into other mediums (adapting books to screen, comics based on TV and media properties (Dr. Who, the new Star Wars comics, Mad Max, novelizations of films and tie-in novels) | David M. Stein, Michael R. Underwood (M), Lynne M. Thomas, Matt Pearson |
| 1:00 PM | Literature | The Golden Age is Tarnished | Petoskey | The science fiction and fantasy readership is increasingly diverse, with fewer readers who have come to the field via the "classics", and many who find little value in them anyway. Is the canon no longer tenable? How can we understand the field's past? Should we be working to expand the canon, or to describe multiple overlapping histories -- or something else? | Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Brigid Collins (M), Saladin Ahmed, Tobias S. Buckell, Yanni Kuznia |
| 2:00 PM | Literature | The Art of the Review | Saugatuck | What makes the difference between a workmanlike review that tells us what we need to know, and a review which becomes a text worth studying in its own right? Under what circumstances does a review transcend its immediate subject, and become part of the wider conversation about genre? Who are reviews for: readers, authors, industry, other reviewers? How do authors go about getting more of them? | Andrea Johnson, Justin Landon (M), Amal El-Mohtar, Jenny Thurman, Sarah Gibbons |
| 2:00 PM | Science | BALONIUM | Interlochen | Time to discuss the good and bad science and engineering from the previous year (or so) from TV and movies and books. | David M. Stein (M), Michael Marcus, Chris Clayton, Kentaro Toyama |
| 2:00 PM | Fandom | Fan GoH Induction | St. Clair | Fan Guest of Honour Introduction and Induction is a traditional ConFusion event, wherein any attending Fan GoHs of years past welcome the new Fan GoH to the club. | Jessica Zerwas |
| 2:00 PM | Cos-Play | Costuming from Ink & Pixel | Manitou | From anime to comic books to CGI and video games, animated worlds are full of iconic, stylish characters. But it often takes a little work to translate their costumes into the real world. Come learn how to examine your source material to choose the right fabric, colors, and construction techniques to bring your favorite animated characters to life. | Suzette Mariotti, Annalee Flower Horne |
| 2:00 PM | Science | Startling Science Demonstrations | Ballroom A&B | Listen to the scream of spoons and see balloons explode courtesy of the University of Detroit Mercy Chemistry Club. | |
| 2:00 PM | Gaming | Pandemic | TeenFusion | Learn to play the popular game from Z-Man games. | Richard Herrell, Jeannette Girard |
| 2:00 PM | Literature | Seeing the World Through Different Eyes | Keweenaw | Fiction should imagine the entire breadth of human experience. Too often though, it only embraces neurotypical characters. Not every brain works the same. What is neurodiversity? How does it impact story? Who's doing it well? | Megan E. O'Keefe, Jim C. Hines, Lawrence Schoen, Mari Brighe (M), Stina Leicht |
| 2:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Kookieklatch Storytime | KidFusion Suite | Come up and be read to by whichever guests happen to show up. If you have a favorite book that you would like to have read, feel free to bring it. | Emily Buckell, Larc Bogdan, Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale |
| 2:00 PM | Media | Kaffeeklatsch with Gordon Smith | Club Lounge | Join our Media Guest of Honor for coffee, tea, and conversation. Limited to 10 participants. Sign up at OPS. | Gordon Smith |
| 2:00 PM | Cos-Play | Put Your Nerd Face On | Petoskey | Come hang out and share ideas, tips and tricks to create awesome nerdy make-up looks, talk about how you can stealth your fannish looks at work, and just geek out about your favorite products. | |
| 2:00 PM | Fandom/Literature | Any Similarity to Real People is Completely Coincidental | Isle Royale | It's easy to pretend that made up worlds shrug off the bias and stereotypes of our reality. Orcs and Elves, Drow and Ogres, and dozens of other constructs grounded in bigoted world views say different. What can we learn from these mistakes? How do we keep these stereotypes from bleeding through into our made up worlds? | Steve Buchheit, Andrea Phillips, Mark Oshiro (M), Natalie Luhrs, Anna Carey |
| 2:00 PM | Literature | Beyond The Hero’s Journey | Charlevoix | Joseph Campbell wrote about the hero's journey in 1949 and it has become the default character arc of western writers for the past sixty years. But, there are many human experiences beyond heroism as narrowly defined by Campbell. What narrative types exist beyond the Hero's Journey? And why aren't they more widely used? | Cameron McClure, Brian McClellan, Max Gladstone, Miriam Weinberg (M), Paul Kemner |
| 2:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! The Flash | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 2:00 PM | Comics | Comics for Kids & Teens | Leelanau | What's out there for younger kids and teens these days? | Jackie Morgan (M), Jen Talley, Coral Bogdan |
| 2:00 PM | Music | Theme Circle: Time Travel Songs | Marquette | | Eric Distad, Jen Distad |
| 2:00 PM | Gaming | Munchkin | Ballroom C | Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you see. Take all the treasure. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. First one to Level 10 wins! (2 HOURS) | GM- Dawn Strenzel |
| 2:00 PM | Gaming | Zephyr: Winds of Change | Ballroom C | A cooperative modular boardgame adventure for 1 to 4 players. players take on the role of a post-apocalyptic steampunk airship captain. Customize your ship and build yourself up to defeat the ever growing evils of a fallen world. (2 HOURS) | GM- Jon Mietling |
| 3:00 PM | Literature | The Rise of the Novella | Leelanau | The last few years have seen a resurgence of shorter forms of fiction. Novelettes, novellas, and even short novels are doing better than they have in years, through self publishing and traditional publishers like Harper Impulse, Publishing, and Subterranean Press. Is this resurgence a result of a digital evolution or declining attention spans? What does the future hold for fiction under 50,000 words. | Melissa F. Olson, Brian McClellan, Jason Sanford (M), Yanni Kuznia, Carl Engle-Laird |
| 3:00 PM | Fandom | Fangirls Over 30 | Charlevoix | While no one seems to be surprised when men are still playing video games and reading comics into their 30's, in some circles women face more pressure to give up their fannish passions now that they're "grown up." Our panelists discuss this phenomenon and how to fight it. | Sal Palland, Angie Rush, Jessica Zerwas, Suzanna Grossman, Mur Lafferty |
| 3:00 PM | Fandom | Sports and SFF | Interlochen | The venn diagram between sports fandom and SFF fandom has more overlap than you might think. Our panelists will take about their shared loves, and how the real direction of sports evolution compares to the futuristic sports in fiction. | Joel Zakem, Dave Hogg, Helen Montgomery, Jeannie Szarama |
| 3:00 PM | Fandom | Galaxy Cookie Decorating | ConSuite | Hands-on workshop to create fantastic galaxy designs on sugar cookies. And then eat them! | Megan E. O'Keefe |
| 3:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Kid Chemistry | KidFusion Suite | | Daniel Dugan |
| 3:00 PM | Media | Superheroes on TV | Isle Royale | Superheroes are all over TV these days. How do Marvel and DCU differ in their small screen offerings? Do interactions between TV and films enhance, detract or not even register in your experiences? Is the small screen our best chance to see more diversity in superhero offerings? Have we reached peak cape? Is there more room for televised superheroes? | David M. Stein, Jim Mann, V.E. Schwab, Anna Carey, Christian Klaver |
| 3:00 PM | Fandom | The Princess Problem | Petoskey | Are princesses actually the problem? Does shaming the idea of princesses and the femininity they represent push girls out of the narrow marketing confines of the pink aisles, or does it harm them in other ways? What about girls of color who so rarely see themselves represented as princesses, or cis boys who want to be Elsa, or trans girls who want to see themselves, too? How do we combat the confining box that is "princess culture" without shaming kids who enjoy princesses and the positive traits they've come to represent? | Jim C. Hines, Merrie Haskell (M), Jen Talley, Natalie Luhrs, Navah Wolfe |
| 3:00 PM | Literature | Gettin' Punny With It | Keweenaw | Piers Anthony and Adam Roberts can't help themselves. And neither can these panelists. Come watch these punsters compete against one another for the title of ConFusion Punmaster, while discussing whether or not the pun can be used without irony. | Patrick Tomlinson (M), Cherie Priest, Delilah S. Dawson, Dave Robison, Sunil Patel |
| 3:00 PM | Literature | Interview: Ann Leckie | Ballroom A&B | Ann Leckie, Subterranean Special Guest and recent New York Times bestseller, interviewed by her first editor--John Scalzi | John Scalzi (M), Ann Leckie |
| 3:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Jessica Jones | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 3:00 PM | Science | Geek Heresy: What Technology Can’t Do for Society, and Why Some of Our Best Science Fiction Gets It Wrong | Saugatuck | Some of the most popular science fiction imagines a future in which advanced technology eliminates hunger, illness, and ignorance. Based on a critical examination of the present, this talk reveals why even in the future, it will take a lot more than techn | Kentaro Toyama |
| 3:00 PM | Science | A World Without Drivers | Manitou | With Google Car on California roads, the autonomous vehicle is on the horizon. The panel of creatives will delve into the nuts and bolts of what this technological advancement will change about our lives and what kinds of stories could be told around it. | Bradley P. Beaulieu (M), Tobias S. Buckell, Elizabeth Shack, Gordon Smith, Andrea Phillips |
| 3:30 PM | Film | SHOWING: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? | Kensington | The story follows the exploits of Bell Cranel, a 14-year-old solo adventurer under the goddess Hestia. As the only member of the Hestia Familia, he works hard every day in the dungeon to make ends meet while seeking to improve himself. He looks up to Aiz Wallenstein, a famous and powerful swordswoman who once saved his life, and with whom he fell in love. He is unaware that several other girls, deities and mortals alike, also develop affections towards him; most notably Hestia herself, as he also gains allies and improves himself with each new challenge he faces. (5 1/2 HOURS) | |
| 4:00 PM | Fandom | SFF MadLibs | Petoskey | Audience members contribute nouns, verbs, and adjectives to fill in the lines in SFF MadLibs written by our panelists. Hilarity ensues. | Angie Rush, Andrea Johnson, Jackie Morgan, Mark Oshiro, Alex Kourvo |
| 4:00 PM | Fandom | Nominating for the 2016 Hugo Awards | Charlevoix | The Puppy Wars of 2015 got a lot more people interested in nominating and voting for the Hugo Awards. The 2016 Nominating season has begun, so come share your recommendations for works and people you'd like to see as finalists on the 2016 Hugo Ballot and the 1940 Retro Hugo Ballot | Jeff Beeler, Amal El-Mohtar, Jim Mann (M), Justin Landon, Mur Lafferty |
| 4:00 PM | Fandom | SFF At Your Fingertips | Keweenaw | The online world has fundamentally changed how we find, discuss, and pass on the books that mean something to us. How has unfettered access to many authors changed the discussion around their work? What about the ease of finding like minded communities that only reinforce an individual point of view? | Jon Skovron, Andrew Zimmerman, Amy Sundberg, Jonah Sutton-Morse, V.E. Schwab |
| 4:00 PM | Literature | Interview: Cameron McClure | Ballroom A&B | Agent extraordinaire and Subterranean Special Guest, Cameron McClure is interviewed by science fiction author, Wesley Chu. | Wesley Chu (M), Cameron McClure |
| 4:00 PM | Science | Power Armor and Rail Guns: The Science of Future Wars | Leelanau | Military technology in science fiction settings: Who wore the powersuit better? | David Klecha (M), Patrick Tomlinson, Marko Kloos, Matt Pearson |
| 4:00 PM | Music | Concert: Peggi Warner-Lalonde | Marquette | Toronto filker Peggi joins us with a beautiful voice, bringing some of her favorite songs. | Peggi Warner-Lalonde |
| 4:00 PM | Literature | Autograph Session 1 | St. Clair | | Kelley Armstrong, Ann Leckie, Scott H. Andrews, Robert Jackson Bennett, Aimee Carter, Brigid Collins, Delilah S. Dawson, Susan Dennard, Max Gladstone, Jim C. Hines, Kameron Hurley, Stina Leicht, Megan E. O'Keefe, Melissa F. Olson, Marko Kloos, Sunil |
| 4:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 4:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Puppetpalooza | KidFusion Suite | Come create puppets of all kinds and learn some skills about being a puppeteer. | Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale |
| 4:00 PM | TeenFusion | Settlers of Catan | TeenFusion | Come play Settlers of Catan! More than one version will be available. | Kevin King |
| 4:00 PM | Fandom | LGBTQ* Alphabet Soup | Manitou | An educational take on various terms used within and around the LGBTQ* Community. We start from the very basic and work our way up to more uncommon terms. We give loose definitions of each term and give the audience a chance to ask questions and maybe give us some insight on terms they know as well. | Cassy Sinke (M), Alison Chan |
| 4:00 PM | Gaming | Give Me the Brain | Ballroom C | You think working in a fast-food restaurant is hell? This place is worse. All the employees are zombies (that includes you). The jobs are repetitive and gross. The customers ask stupid questions. And all the zombies have to share a single brain . . . and they keep dropping it on the floor. [3-8 players max] (2 HOURS) | GM - Bill Korsak |
| 4:00 PM | Gaming | Netherstorm - Full | Ballroom C | Trahfter and the Blue Bards have been playing the tavern circuit in Rivermet for years. Now they are ready to take things to the next level. To do that they’ll have to win the annual Battle of the Bards competition in Wavecrest. You’ve seen their posting on the tavern walls looking for roadies/security. Will you answer the call to see them safely to Wavecrest? (4 HOURS) | GM - Donald Jones |
| 4:00 PM | Gaming | Netherstorm - Easy | Ballroom C | The Kentrona Militia stationed at the trading post north of Rivermet have been receiving strange reports lately. The worst of these are several reports of children going missing. Most recently, twins, Haank and Gyerti. The Kentrona have no time to assist neglectful parents. Won’t anyone find these children and return them to their home? (4 HOURS) | GM- Paul Jones |
| 4:00 PM | Gaming | Redneck Like | Ballroom C | Be the player with the most teeth remaining to win! A roll of two dice determines the grade you complete in school at age 18, which sets you up for one of 11 fabulous careers such as Monster Truck Announcer or Mullet Salon Operator! Journey through Blue Collar Americana by going into debt to purchase rigs, get hitched and housed, divorced, remarried, and raise a passel of young'ens. [3-6 players max.] (2 HOURS) | GM - Bill Lonskey |
| 4:00 PM | Gaming | Zephyr: Winds of Change | Ballroom C | A cooperative modular boardgame adventure for 1 to 4 players. players take on the role of a post-apocalyptic steampunk airship captain. Customize your ship and build yourself up to defeat the ever growing evils of a fallen world. (2 HOURS) | GM- Jon Mietling |
| 5:00 PM | Literature | Vigilante Justice in Urban Fantasy | Manitou | The Urban Fantasy genre is built, in many ways, around glorifying extra-judicial violence. In this way, they might have more in common with the Western than the modern crime novel. Given the huge challenges in the United States with gun violence and criminal justice, should we be more concerned about the narrative shape of these novels? | Diana Rowland, Michael R. Underwood (M), Delilah S. Dawson, Jeannie Szarama, Melissa F. Olson |
| 5:00 PM | Literature | Generations of Genre | Isle Royale | For one reader, "traditional fantasy" is pre-Tolkienian, pre-genre, sui-generis works; for another, it's Forgotten Realms and David Eddings. Equally, for one reader The Hunger Games is a young adult dystopia, while for another it's science fiction. Can the evolution of such terms be mapped onto changing demographics -- is there such a thing as GenX fantasy, or Baby Boomer science fiction? And do any terms retain their currency, and describe common ground across generations? | Laura Resnick, Steve Buchheit, Lynne M. Thomas, Max Gladstone (M), Stina Leicht |
| 5:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Minute to Win It | KidFusion Suite | Join your friends and compete for prizes in a series of 60-second challenges based on the popular NBC TV game show. | Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale, Jason Palmer |
| 5:00 PM | Literature | Standards of Beauty in Made-up Worlds | Interlochen | Western concepts of attractiveness do not reflect the gamut of human experience, both in history and today. And yet, the vast majority of genre fiction only imagines worlds with one, very Western, notion of beauty. Why is this? Can we think of examples where the opposite is true? And how can we all do better in the future? | Doselle Young, Annalee Flower Horne (M), Elizabeth Shack, Kimchi Zerbe, Alaya Dawn Johnson |
| 5:00 PM | Music | Concert: Tom Smith | Ballroom A&B | Tom brings his usual mix of humor, wit, and energy. Not to be missed! | Tom Smith |
| 5:00 PM | Media | LOLCats, Wols, and Watch Me: Pop Culture in SFF? | Keweenaw | Pop-culture is ever evolving and fiction often hides behind a desire to be "timeless". However, pop-culture is an increasing influence on our lives, particularly among young people. How can these modern phenomena be used to make science fiction and fantasy more relevant to today's readers? Why don't we see more created popular culture within invented worlds? | Ferrett Steinmetz, Amy Sundberg, Michael Damian Thomas, Sunil Patel, Adam Rakunas |
| 5:00 PM | Literature | Autograph Session 2 | St. Clair | | Saladin Ahmed, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Tobias S. Buckell, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Tom Doyle, Michael K. Elliott, Amal El-Mohtar, Jen Haeger, Merrie Haskell, Douglas Hulick, Andrew Zimmerman, Brian McClellan, Courtney Allison Moulton, Mark Osh |
| 5:00 PM | Art | Whose Cartoon Is It Anyway? | Leelanau | A cartoonist face-off — the audience gives the panel of cartoonists a situation to draw. Cartoonist #1 draws half of it - Cartoonist #2 finishes it and a punch line! | David M. Stein (M), Matt Feazell, Bill Messner-Loebs, Michael Kucharski, John Benson |
| 5:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Agent Carter | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 5:00 PM | Fandom | Worldcons, NASFiCs and the People Who Love Them | Petoskey | Detroit hosted the NASFiC in 2014. This year's Worldcon will be just a short flight (or long drive) away in Kansas City, MO. What can you expect from a Worldcon or NASFiC and why would you want to attend one? Our panelists will talk about why they love Worldcon. | Joel Zakem, Dave Hogg, Helen Montgomery (M), Michael Lee, Pablo Vazquez |
| 6:00 PM | Literature | The Fallacy of Commercial Fiction | Interlochen | Literary culture often derides the idea of commercial work, suggesting that marketability signals a lack of refinement. What exactly is commercial fiction and why is it snubbed? Furthermore, are science fiction, fantasy, and horror equally burdened by this dichotomy? | Devi Pillai, Laura Resnick, DongWon Song, Michael R. Underwood, Marko Kloos |
| 6:00 PM | Art | Cover Art: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF | Manitou | No genre places more emphasis on stunning cover art than science fiction and fantasy. It often goes right, but not always. With powerful visual projection, the panelists will observe a series of good, bad, and WTF covers from science fiction and fantasy, provide commentary, both in praise and... not. | Jim C. Hines, Susan Dennard, Wesley Chu, Justin Landon (M), Megan E. O'Keefe |
| 6:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Supergirl | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 6:00 PM | Literature | Hell Hath No Fury: Ways To Motivate, Impede, and Change Female Characters | Charlevoix | Women in fiction are often defined by their relation to the men around them. Robbing women of their own agency has led to a dearth of women in the forefront of the genres most beloved stories. How has this pattern impacted readers? How do we change it? | Catherine Shaffer, Jen Haeger, Melissa F. Olson (M), Sunil Patel, Ferrett Steinmetz |
| 6:00 PM | TeenFusion | Evening Break | TeenFusion | TeenFusion is closed for an hour in the evening. | |
| 6:00 PM | Media | SciFi Disaster Movies | Keweenaw | What are the specific convention of science fiction disaster stories? What kind of stories can we tell with disaster tropes in SF? Does post-apocalyptic/dystopian SF count as disaster SF, and when does disaster SF become straight up horror? | Kentaro Toyama, Natalie Luhrs, Alex Kourvo |
| 6:00 PM | Literature | It's the Economy Stupid | Leelanau | National economies are complicated. Far more complicated than Dark Lords and Evil Queens. Nevertheless, books like James SA Corey's The Expanse series and Katherine Addison's The Goblin Emperor manage to use economic pressures to create compelling motivations and narrative tension. What are the essential parts for a story built around economics? What's appealing about these kinds of stories and do the resonate more today than they did a decade ago? | Carl Engle-Laird, Max Gladstone, Kameron Hurley, Ann Leckie, Brent Weeks |
| 6:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Evening Break | KidFusion Suite | KidFusion is closed for one hour in the evening. | |
| 6:00 PM | Cos-Play | Masquerade Muster | St. Clair | Meet other parents in the fandom community. Talk about the triumphs and hazards of geeky parenting. You bring the bottles, we'll provide the caffeine. | |
| 6:00 PM | Gaming | Mars Attacks: The Dice Game | Ballroom C | Destroy the humans! Take their cities! Conquer Earth! Lead your team of Martian invaders to conquer Earth. Destroy cities, get your picture taken in front of famous monuments, and be the Martian with the most Earthling kills! (2 HOURS) | GM- Dawn Strenzel |
| 6:00 PM | Gaming | Zephyr: Winds of Change | Ballroom C | A cooperative modular boardgame adventure for 1 to 4 players. players take on the role of a post-apocalyptic steampunk airship captain. Customize your ship and build yourself up to defeat the ever growing evils of a fallen world. (2 HOURS) | GM- Jon Mietling |
| 7:00 PM | TeenFusion | D&D Game | TeenFusion | Brian R. Bay is the Dungeon Master of this beginner level Dungeons and Dragons game. If you were not able to roll your own character on Friday night, you can still play. | Jeannette Girard, Brian R. Bay |
| 7:00 PM | Science | Researching the Science: Where Do You Find the Science for Your Science Fiction? | Saugatuck | Resources for finding good science. Where to go, what to look for and how to cite it. | Catherine Shaffer, Kristine Smith, Lawrence Schoen, Daniel Dugan, Gordon Smith |
| 7:00 PM | Literature | Colonialism and Post-Colonialism | Keweenaw | Novels of invasion and colonization often end with the glorious liberation. But what happens next? How deep does the impact of colonization go--culturally, politically, economically, socially--and how long does it really take to recover from its consequences? In what ways is the colonizer, too, changed by the experience? In a larger sense, are science fiction and fantasy beginning to repudiate colonialist narratives? | Stina Leicht, Kameron Hurley, Tobias S. Buckell (M), DongWon Song, Matt Pearson |
| 7:00 PM | Cos-Play | Masquerade | Ballroom A&B | Come see - or show off - the best costumes of the night! Judges will scrutinize. Crowds will cheer. Audiences will swoon. Honors will be awarded. | |
| 7:00 PM | Literature | Emotive and Ebullient: The Young Adult Narrator | Manitou | Huge films like Hunger Games and Divergent have created renewed interest in beloved Young Adult fiction. However, the intense emotive first person narratives driving many Young Adult novels don't shine through on the big screen. What is lost in translation and how might this impact readers coming into Young Adult for the first time? | Kelley Armstrong, Courtney Allison Moulton, Amy Sundberg (M), V.E. Schwab, Jon Skovron |
| 7:00 PM | Literature | The Aftermath of Canon | Interlochen | Star Wars recently relegated all of its Expanded Universe fiction to non-canon, which was tantamount to betrayal for many fans. Aftermath, a novel in the new canon, was met with many reviews that could not come to grips with a Star Wars that included gay characters. How well did Disney handle their canon situation? And is there a place for fiction that services its readers' bias? | Delilah S. Dawson, Andrea Phillips, Eric Distad, Jeannie Szarama, Michael Lee |
| 7:00 PM | KidFusion Suite | Pizza & Pajama Party | KidFusion Suite | THIS IS A PAID EVENT Come ready to party in your pajamas! We will have Pizza, pop, popcorn along with movies, games and crafts. Register for this event at the registration table. (5 HOURS) | |
| 7:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! The Expanse | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 8:00 PM | Literature | Professional Wrestling as Genre Fiction | Saugatuck | From the force choke to the choke slam, from power armor to power bomb, the story telling within professional wrestling is not dissimilar from the hyperbolic nature of science fiction and fantasy. What can professional wrestling teach us about writing and committing to a story? | Carl Engle-Laird, Merrie Haskell, Dave Hogg, Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas (M) |
| 8:00 PM | Science | Mars Rising: Lights, Panels, Action! | Interlochen | The rise of Mars as a space science superstar and media darling, and the rising popularity of planetary science on social media. | Jeff Beeler, Michael Marcus, Matt Pearson |
| 8:00 PM | Gaming/Fandom/Geekdom | Would You Rather? | Keweenaw | Hosted by fantasy author Sam Sykes, the contestants will play a science fiction and fantasy inspired game of "Would you rather?" Expect shenanigans, adult language, and laughs. | Brian McClellan, Sam Sykes (M), Cherie Priest, Greg van Eekhout, V.E. Schwab |
| 8:00 PM | Music | Concert: February Sky | Marquette | Partners Susan Urban and Phil Cooper, full time touring musicians from Michigan's Upper Peninsula, bring the ribald, the wacky, and the overall wonderful. | Susan Urban, Phil Cooper |
| 8:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! Orphan Black | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 8:00 PM | Fandom | Beer Lovers Meet Up | ConSuite | Bring a bottle of your favorite or unusual brew to share with fellow beer lovers in this casual meetup in the consuite. | Joel Zakem, Michael J. DeLuca, Scott H. Andrews, Jim Mann |
| 8:00 PM | Gaming | Zephyr: Winds of Change | Ballroom C | A cooperative modular boardgame adventure for 1 to 4 players. players take on the role of a post-apocalyptic steampunk airship captain. Customize your ship and build yourself up to defeat the ever growing evils of a fallen world. (2 HOURS) | GM- Jon Mietling |
| 9:00 PM | Media | Explaining Social Media: Robert Jackson Bennett | Manitou | Writing wunderkind, Robert Jackson Bennett, presents his social media strategy and how it impacts his authorial career. He'll take us through the history of the Internet, the emergence of social media, and demonstrate the process he goes through to execut | Robert Jackson Bennett (M) |
| 9:00 PM | Film | SHOWING: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (BBC Series) | Kensington | With much fan requests comes the BBC television adaptation of Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Starring Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, David Dixon as Ford Prefect, Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod Beeblebrox and Sandra Dickinson as Trillian. (3 HOURS) | |
| 9:00 PM | Media | Pop Up Media! The Walking Dead | Vogon Poetry Lounge | Science fiction and fantasy have taken over the airwaves! Come join fellow fans in (respectful!) round-table discussions of the awesome genre shows on television and the big screen today. | |
| 9:00 PM | Comics | Readings from Queer Comics. | Saugatuck | Queer Comics have grown from the graphic imaginings of a scant handful of "out" artists in the 70s to an entire community of queer cartoonists today. Join in for PowerPoint adaptations of classic LGBT cartoon stories. Adults only! | Kurt Erichsen (M), Sean Martin |
| 9:00 PM | Music | Theme Circle: The Shallow End | Marquette | Want to sing, but have no experience in front of an audience? Been having trouble getting up the nerve? This is the room for you. A safe space for untrained voices. Come sing just for the joy of singing. | Mark Bernstein, Mike Nixon |
| 10:00 PM | Music | Open Music Circle | Marquette | A place to share music, stories, poems, and more. | |
| 10:00 PM | Fandom | Mark Reads Stuff - Late Night | Manitou | Special Adult-Only edition of Mark. Reading things. Things you will never forget. And that will make you laugh and laugh. And maybe cry. | Mark Oshiro |
| 10:00 PM | Gaming | Munchkin | Ballroom C | Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you see. Take all the treasure. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. First one to Level 10 wins! (2 HOURS) | GM- Dawn Strenzel |